Legal Information

The website is published by Katko Capital.
Publisher Katko Capital
Registered office: 91 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 PARIS
Share capital: 125,000 euros
Katko Capital is authorised and regulated by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) under number GP 21000015 since 30 April 2021. AMF address: 17 place de la Bourse 75002 Paris.
SIRET: 851 155 127 00026 Chairman & CEO: Guillaume Dalibot

Customer service contact: Tel: +33 (0) 1 80 49 34 81

Hosting: SID SARL –

Photos Credits: Julien Cresp, photographer

Terms of use: Use or viewing of the website (the “Site”) implies full, whole and unconditional acceptance of these general terms and conditions.

Property rights – Restriction on use: All parts (text, logos, images, audio, videos, icons, data, codes, sources, etc.) of the Site are in the exclusive ownership of Katko Capital and/or its partners, and may not be copied, reproduced, modified, forwarded or shared in any way.
Authorisation is limited to viewing and/or downloading a private copy for strictly personal and non-commercial purposes. Use of some or all of the Site content for purposes other than those mentioned above may see the offending party liable for civil and/or criminal sanctions.

Liability – Guarantees: Users alone are responsible for their use and viewing of the Site. Information and data contained on the Site are provided for guidance only and have no contractual value. Katko Capital declines all liability for any inaccuracy in, or changes to, this information and data. Katko Capital in no way guarantees the reliability or exhaustiveness of the Site content, whether in relation to accounting or information systems. Katko Capital shall not be held liable for losses or other direct and/or indirect damages that may result from accessing or using the Site and/or its content.

Performances mentioned on the site: Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Performance is not constant over time and is in no way guaranteed. Subscribers should read the fund prospectuses and check the level of risk associated with their investment.

Hyperlinks and partners: The Site contains links to other sites, as well as information, adverts, promotions and offers from partners. Katko Capital has no control over, and declines all liability for, the content of these sites and information, adverts, promotions and offers. As a result, Katko Capital shall not be held liable for any inaccuracy, for any breach of applicable laws by these partners, or for any direct or indirect consequences that may result for users.

Site changes, closure: Katko Capital reserves the right to change the terms of using the Site at any time and, in particular, to block some or all access, and remove or edit existing sections. No complaint made on this basis will be accepted.

Privacy statement: Katko Capital respects your right to privacy and complies with its obligations under the 1988 and 2003 data protection laws. The purpose of this privacy statement is to describe how we process the personal data you provide to us by visiting our website. The law aims to ensure that all personal data held by companies and organisations is both accurate and protected to ensure that personal data about an individual is not misused, held by a company or organisation. As a result, we strive to ensure that, when processing your personal data, we protect both our interests and yours by complying with applicable legislation. Therefore, please read carefully this privacy policy that has been included in order to protect your personal data and to ensure that we comply with applicable legislation. By using our website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data in the manner shown below. If we change our privacy policy, we will post the changes on this page.
Data protection: When you visit this website and provide services, we may collect personal data about you when you are asked to voluntarily provide data (e.g. name, email address and postal address) or when you send us an email, call, or contact us in another way. We may process personal data collected through this website or otherwise to administer the website, respond to requests or provide services to you at your request, update our records and databases, and retain contact information about you. All the information you provide to us through this site is not made available to third parties and is used by Katko Capital only for the purpose for which you provided it. Therefore, we will not disclose your personal data to third parties unless you have consented to this disclosure. Please note that by submitting personal information, you consent to this information being processed for the above purposes. You agree that Katko Capital has the right to use and store this data on its internal systems for the purpose of providing services to you. Please contact the CNIL should you wish make any claim.
Cookies: Like most websites, we can also use cookies. A cookie is an item of data stored on a user’s hard drive containing information about a user’s use of a website. As explained below, we use cookies to make the site work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide us with information: ‘Session-based’ Cookie. This is essential for certain parts of the site to work. It is used to maintain a user’s actions so as not to constantly ask for the same information in a ‘session’. Cookie “Analytics.” This is used to collect information about how you use our site, for example where you come from on the site and which pages of the site you visited. We use the information to help us improve the website. You can turn cookies on or off by changing your browser settings. However, you may not be able to use all of the website’s features if cookies are disabled. You can find out how to disable/activate cookies on: Please note that this privacy policy only covers this website and does not regulate the privacy practices of other websites that may be accessible via or related to this website. If you have any questions about the privacy information and personal data above, please visit the contact page.